When you have a good credit score, you can get better terms and lower interest rates on loan products and credit cards. But it’s not always easy to just boost your credit score overnight. First, you need to consider why your score is low. “Understanding the specific […]
“It ain’t over till it’s over.” — Yogi Berra, baseball philosopher In real estate, a house isn’t sold until the Fat Lady sings at the closing. Until then, the seller should keep their options open by accepting backup contracts. Likewise, a buyer whose bid for […]
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Individuals who are experiencing student loan debt now have a better shot at qualifying for a home loan thanks to changes that the Biden Administration has made to federal mortgage lending rules. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) recently announced changes to its student loan […]
More sellers seem to be returning to the market as the number of homes listed for sale surpass 2019 levels, according to a new report from Redfin. KEY TAKEAWAYS New listings of homes for sale are up 4% from a year earlier, and up 3% […]
By writing policy that prioritizes Americans’ access to homeownership, lawmakers could address both the affordable home shortage and the racial wealth gap, deduces Urban Institute visiting fellow Mike Loftin. He bases his assessment—that such access will foster financial stability and mobility for millions of Americans—on data […]
There’s good news for home buyers: It’s finally getting easier to get a mortgage loan. After tightening their lending standards during the pandemic, it seems mortgage lenders are starting to loosen the reins a bit. In fact, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association, mortgages were about […]